• "When Healing Comes"

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We often think that miraculous healing comes from one of two places: medical ability or the power of God.  We talk this way all the time.  Our doctors and nurses, surgical procedures, and medicine help us get better.  Or, whether or not medical science can help us in health-related situations, we often pray for the gift/miracle of divine healing - specifically, we pray that God uses his power to cure us of a disease or heal us from a medical emergency we are facing.  The only time we talk about healing and holiness is when we assume someone isn't healed because they have secret, unconfessed sins (which is generally an unbiblical position).  Nevertheless, have you ever considered that God's holiness might be the cause of someone being healed? 

In Acts 3:12, we find Peter using some interesting words: "And when Peter saw it, he answered unto the people, Ye men of Israel, why marvel ye at this?  or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?" (KJV).  In the story of Acts 3, Peter and John encounter a crippled man in the Jerusalem temple; Jesus has already risen from the dead and ascended into heaven, and these two apostles are going up to the temple to pray.  The crippled man asks for material help, and then Peter responds by telling him that they had no silver or gold to give him - instead, they had something better, whereupon the crippled man is healed.  Those in the temple who saw this were amazed, so before anyone can start claiming that Peter and John healed the man by their own power Peter corrects them.  Peter claims he has no holiness with which to heal or do miracles; rather, it is God's holiness that has healed this man and caused him to walk again (vv. 13-16). 

According to the Bible, God's holiness results in human healings.  It is not the power of God that effects healing, but rather it is God's holiness that is fully demonstrated when he heals and makes people whole.  Today, let us worship God in the knowledge that he uses his holiness to heal us and take care of us - that his holiness is an aspect of his love for us.


God Bless.

Pastor Nathaniel Gamble

Pastor Nathaniel Gamble