• "Our Purchase"

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There is a certain question that people feel is disconnected from the incarnation of Jesus: "Even though salvation comes through Jesus' death, was the incarnation really necessary for the work of the cross?"   It's a good question - especially because it's actually connected in an intimate way to God becoming incarnate as Jesus!  

The thinking behind this question goes something like this: "Jesus died on a cross for me; God has accepted his death in my place; Jesus was born and grew up and lived, and I consider his birth to be roughly synonymous with the term "incarnation"; and Jesus' death seems to have relevance for me, since it was on my behalf, but his incarnation seems to have no connection to my own life."   The Bible, however, clarifies the connection between Jesus' death for me and his incarnation on my behalf.  

In Acts 20:28, Paul tells us, "Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which he purchased with his own blood" (NKJV).   This is part of Paul's last speech to believers before his journey to Jerusalem; here he gives them advice and warning about staying close to Jesus.   And look at what he says about the Holy Spirit and Jesus!  

Paul identifies the Holy Spirit as the one who made Christian leaders "overseers" of God's church, which is the apostle's way of saying that the Holy Spirit is God.   But Paul also says that God purchased the church with his own blood - and only Jesus purchased the church with his own blood, which means Jesus is also God!   The God-man Jesus Christ could only have died and purchased the church with his own blood if he was incarnate: basically, if he was God in the flesh (the word "incarnation" means "in-fleshment").  

Jesus' incarnation doesn't only reference his birth, it also refers to the entirety of his human life!   Jesus' birth is simply the beginning of his incarnation; his incarnation - his in-fleshment - occurred through his life, up to his death, included his burial and the reality of him being dead, and continues in his bodily resurrection, ascension, and second coming.   Remember this blessed thought, brothers and sisters: Jesus is the incarnate God who purchased us with his blood.

Merry Christmas,
God Bless.

Pastor Nathaniel Gamble

Pastor Nathaniel Gamble