• "Husbands and Wives"

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First Timothy 2:15 is a difficult passage to translate, due to the many technical words and double or triple meanings Paul uses in this verse.  Similarly, most of our Bible versions do a poor job at accurately rendering Paul's thought in this passage (as well as its immediate context).  But after years of studying this passage (and more Greek!), I've come to discover that this verse is actually describing the kinds of relationships that should exist between husband and wives, and not between men and women in general. 

Here is my literal translation of 1 Timothy 2:11-15, with v. 15 underlined: "In quietness permit the wife to learn, in every submission; but I neither permit a wife to teach [a husband] nor to be an autocrat of a husband, but rather to be in quietness.  For Adam was molded first, thereafter Eve; and Adam was not deceived/cheated, but the wife, being deceived/cheated, came into transgression.  And she will be saved through 'the childbearing,' if they might remain/abide in faith and love and holiness, with soundness of mind." 

While room does not allow for much explanation on vv. 11-14, I want to highlight two points: 1) "quietness" was something the ancients felt was essential to learning, gaining mastery over yourself, and becoming a stronger person; 2) the reference to "autocrat" means Paul is talking about husbands and wives practicing equality and mutual submission to each other, rather than them exercising dominance or competing with each other. 

But 1 Timothy 2:15 contains the most interest, because it is a Christ-centered promise and not a demand on women.  The reference to "the childbearing" is actually a reminder of God's promise to Eve that the Messiah would come from her and save her and her descendants (cf. Genesis 3:15; 4:1).  Likewise, 1 Timothy 2:15 encourages wives to "abide" in faith, love, and holiness - things which Jesus talked about in John 15-17 when he described how his disciples could have a relationship with him. 

Friends, whether you are a man or a woman, a husband or a wife, 1 Timothy 2:15 tells us that holiness is about having a relationship with Jesus, whom God sent to save us from our sins.  As we gather to worship Jesus today, I hope you will avail yourselves of this holy relationship with the Savior.

God Bless.

Pastor Nathaniel Gamble

Pastor Nathaniel Gamble