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Jesus' Sermon on the Mount is filled with lots of teaching about having a relationship with God and obedience to his will. But did you ever think that the basic point of the Sermon on the Mount was to teach us to trust in God? In "Steps to Christ," our friend Ellen makes exactly this point - and the reason is quite encouraging with respect to doubt and trust in the Christian life.
According to Ellen, "Christ taught His disciples precious lessons in regard to the necessity of trusting in God" in his Sermon on the Mount (87; 1977 edition). These lessons were meant for believers of every generation and have come down to us, "full of instruction and comfort" (87). But in what way is the Sermon on the Mount all about trusting in God? And how does Jesus give us instruction in HOW to trust in God and comfort FOR trusting in God through this sermon?
In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, every teaching and each example is meant to demonstrate two realities: how much God loves and cares for us AND how we can trust God to take care of us and entrust ourselves to his holy care (87-88). Whether talking about how much attention God gives the animal world (87-88) or how painstaking is the love God lavishes on the world of plants and nature (88), the point of Jesus' teachings is the same: you are of inestimable worth to God and he loves to shower you with his blessings and gifts.
Since God so dedicates himself to taking care of his creation, Ellen says, we can trust Jesus when he claims that God dedicates himself even more to taking care of each one of us (87-88). In light of this truth, how should we respond to God's love and care? The simple answer is to trust God - trust that he is reliable and caring, and entrust to him our burdens, concerns, and even our very selves (88-89).
But how DO we trust in God? This answer is not so simple: receive the joy and peace that Jesus desires to give you, a joy and peace that takes away your fears and discouragements but which only comes from you willingly serving God (88-89).
Friends, the only way for you to truly trust God is to let Jesus perform his work of making you his peaceful and joyful disciple. Let us, therefore, ask Jesus to increase our trust in God and leave the mechanics of how to trust in God in Jesus' hands.
(*) Steps to Christ, Chapter 13—Rejoicing in the Lord, 1977 edition