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COVID update from Pastor Gamble, February 4, 2021

Dear Fort Lupton Church Family,

I wanted to alert you to an incident with COVID-19 that recently happened in an Adventist church in the Denver-metro area.  Yesterday, a pastor of one of our larger Adventist churches in the Denver area let me know that there has been a massive outbreak of COVID-19 in their church.  While there were no exact numbers given to me, it appears at least 20% of the congregation has come down with a virulent strain of the virus that has also impacted Mile High Adventist Academy; likewise, the pastoral staff continue to receive new reports of members with COVID-19 on a daily basis.  This pastor also shared with me that the members who are infected with COVID-19 have been experiencing more difficult and long-lasting symptoms of the virus than those previously encountered in 2020, and volunteered that the congregation started getting lulled into a false sense of security and might have become looser in their practice of using hand sanitizer, maintaining effective social spacing, and properly wearing masks while in the church building.

I'm sharing this incident with you because it's a good reminder for us to be vigilant in our practice of using hand sanitizer, social spacing, and wearing masks in order to look out for one another's health and wellbeing.  I know masks are not fun to wear and people would love to indiscriminately hug and shake hands with each other.  But for the time being, let's continue to maintain social spacing and properly wear our masks, as well as use hand sanitizer often.  Even though the Fort Lupton Church is several miles northeast of Denver, many of our neighbors do business in the Denver-metro area on a daily basis and Fort Lupton is not as far from Denver as we might feel.  Let's avoid participating in the COVID-19 outbreak that is currently spreading in some of our sister churches in the Denver-metro area.  Instead, let's continue to show our love for each other, as we have been showing our love for each other for the past year, by avoiding being lulled into a false sense of security and becoming laxer in our practice of these procedures.  If you have any questions about Fort Lupton Church's COVID-19 practices, please feel free to contact me.  Thank you very much, and may the grace of our Lord Jesus continue to be with you!


Pastor Nathaniel

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COVID update from Pastor Gamble, February 4, 2021